◄ Venereal Disease ►

African lethargy Asiatic cholera Chagres fever French disease German measles Haverhill fever Spanish pox VD acquired syphilis acute articular rheumatism ague alkali disease amebiasis amebic dysentery anthrax bacillary dysentery balanitis gangrenosa bastard measles black death black fever blackwater fever breakbone fever brucellosis bubonic plague cachectic fever cerebral rheumatism cerebral tabes chancre chancroid chicken pox cholera clap claps climatic bubo congenital syphilis constitutional syphilis cowpox dandy fever deer fly fever dengue dengue fever diphtheria dose dose of clap dumdum fever dysentery elephantiasis encephalitis lethargica enteric fever erysipelas famine fever fifth venereal disease five-day fever flu frambesia general paresis glandular fever gonorrhea granuloma inguinale granuloma venereum great pox grippe hansenosis hard chancre hepatitis herpes herpes simplex herpes zoster histoplasmosis hookworm hydrophobia infantile paralysis infectious mononucleosis inflammatory rheumatism influenza jail fever jungle rot kala azar kissing disease latent syphilis lepra leprosy leptospirosis loa loa loaiasis lockjaw locomotor ataxia madness malaria malarial fever marsh fever measles meningitis milzbrand morbus Gallicus mumps ornithosis osteomyelitis paralytic dementia paratyphoid fever paresis parotitis parrot fever pertussis pneumonia polio poliomyelitis polyarthritis rheumatism ponos pox psittacosis pudendal ulcer rabbit fever rabies rat-bite fever relapsing fever rheumatic fever rickettsialpox ringworm rubella rubeola scarlatina scarlet fever schistosomiasis septic sore throat shingles simple chancre sleeping sickness sleepy sickness smallpox snail fever social disease soft chancre splenic fever spotted fever strep throat swamp fever syph syphilis syphilitic meningoencephalitis tabes tabes dorsales tertiary syphilis tetanus thrush tinea trench fever trench mouth tropical bubo tuberculosis tularemia typhoid typhoid fever typhus typhus fever undulant fever vaccinia varicella variola viral dysentery whooping cough yaws yellow fever yellow jack zona zoster


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